Relentless advocacy for Emergency Medicine

VACEP is an active voice year-round in Virginia politics. Our legislative agenda is successful when members participate in the process. A community of empowered emergency physicians know their legislators and communicate with them before they are required to vote on any matter.

“GIVE AN HOUR” to VACEP’s Political Action Committee.

The Emergency Medicine Political Action Committee in Virginia (EMPAC-VA) supports VACEPs advocacy with Virginia’s General Assembly. The PAC’s purpose and mission ensures that VACEP leaders and membership get face time with state legislators. These one-on-one opportunities are invaluable in our efforts to explain complex issues from an emergency physician’s perspective. 

We do not select members based on party, and choose instead to back candidates who are pro-emergency physician and support the rights of patients. The most important guideline for giving is that candidates must have a strong voting record on issues affecting emergency medicine in order to receive a contribution.

We ask that all emergency physicians in Virginia “Give an Hour” (equivalent to $150) or more to EMPAC-VA each year.

VACEP Board member Todd Parker, MD, FACEP (blue shirt) at a fundraiser with former Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe and fellow physicians.


Five reasons to give to EMPAC/VA

  1. We have carefully considered which candidates to support. Emergency medicine is permanent. It was here last year, it’ll be here next year — as will the possibility of its support or opposition. The EMPAC/VA Board, with the input of our professional lobbyist, make well-informed decisions on which candidates to support.

  2. EMPAC/VA is an efficient and effective way to make your voice heard in the state legislature.

  3. EMPAC/VA allows you to hold elected officials accountable.

  4. EMPAC/VA expands your influence beyond your own political district.

  5. Many things go on in the legislature that citizens outside the process don’t know about. EMPAC/VA supports and opposes candidates based on inside knowledge of what really happened to your issues.


Other factors we consider when deciding whether to support an incumbent delegate or senator are:

  • Is the representative a member of a committee which acts upon emergency medicine issues?

  • Is the member a leader in the General Assembly?

  • Does the legislator have a willingness to listen and consider matters of importance to emergency medicine?

  • What is the probability of the candidate’s re-election?

2020-2021 EMPAC-VA Contributors

Trisha Anest
Christine Assia
Tamera Counts Barnes
Laura Barrera
Daniel Basselgia
Steven Bauer
Charles Beaudette
Adam Belsches
Dennis Bernier
Douglas Bernstein
Matthew Bombard
William Brooks
Jonathan Chu
Orion Colfer
Caroline Cox
Angela Creditt
Kirk Cumpston
Charles Cuttino
Alexandra Doan
J. Michael Drinkwater
Jonathan D'Souza
David Evans
Kelly Foley
Neal Freed
Michael Genco
Danielle Gong
Audrey Grant
Thomas James Gregory
Laura Harvey
Kristina Hathorn
William Hauda
Scott Hickey
Jessica Higgins
Hugh Hill
Kaitlyn Hinshaw
Nicholas Hogan
Mark Hughes
Michelle Hughes
Mark Innis
Kavita John-Pierce
Sarah Johns
Elliott Johnson
Joseph Joyce

Gary Kavit
Kimberly Keith
Jeff Kelley
Jay Kugler
Brittany Lamb
Joseph Lang
Bruce Lo
Jeffrey Mason
Joseph Mason
Haley McCabe
Richard Mcghee
Glen Michael
Stephen Miller
Peter Moffett
Andrew Moore
John Morgan
David Moyer-Diener
Daniel Muir
Geofrey Nochimson
Cameron Olderog
Paul Osborne
Jeremiah O'Shea
Todd Parker
John Patrizio
Devon Peele
Catherine Perry
Shawna Perry
Aaron Quinn
Sara Ramsay
Robert Rice
Adam Rochman
Hayley Rose-Inman
Kari Scantlebury
Joran Sequeira
Cynthia Sessums
Adam Sims
Richard Smith
Scott Sparks
Paul Stromberg
Christopher Turnbull
Lisa Watts
Mike Watts
Brian Whittaker
Paul Zelensky

Find your legislator

  • If you do not know who your legislators are, find out now! Don’t know your representatives? Find your legislator.

  • Look and see which committees your legislators are assigned. VACEP will send alerts to emergency physicians for whom we have an email address, when your legislator is voting in committee on bills we are actively pursuing. Contact information for all House and Senate members is also found on the Virginia General Assembly website.

  • Get detailed information on Virginia’s legislative and political process that will help you be a successful citizen advocate. Click here to visit the Virginia General Assembly Citizen’s Guide.