Board Member pens Medicaid Reimbursement Op-Ed

Board Member pens Medicaid Reimbursement Op-Ed

Board member and Emergency Physician Todd Parker penned this op-ed in Virginia Mercury on the new Medicaid budget items in Virginia that are gutting funding to emergency departments and hospitals.

"Imagine your house is on fire.

You call 911, the fire department responds, puts the fire out, and saves your house. Now imagine the government decides they want to spend less on fire department costs, so they create a list of “preventable causes of fires,” like an electrical short from an old appliance, or a fire in a chimney that wasn’t cleaned out. Then, anytime that the fire department responds to a fire caused by one of these “preventable” causes, they cut the pay of the fireman by 80%, hoping somehow the firemen will prevent the fires.

Does this make sense? Of course not."

Read the rest here.

VACEP L&A Fellow, Catherine Agustiady-Becker, MD, pens moving article on her love for EM.

VACEP L&A Fellow, Catherine Agustiady-Becker, MD, pens moving article on her love for EM.

Emergency physicians, doctors, hospitals and health systems file complaint to remove problematic Budget Items, protect access for Virginia Medicaid patients