Leadership & Advocacy Profile: TJ Tzavaras, MD
Dr. Tzavaras, right, seen here with VACEP’s Trisha Anest at the 2022 White Coats on Call in Richmond.
The VACEP Leadership & Advocacy fellowship is coming to a close for the ‘21-’22 cohort, but applications are open for the coming year. The fellowship offers early-career emergency physicians a chance to broaden their horizons and focus on aspects of EM outside of the ED.
We asked fellow TJ Tzavaras about his experience as he wraps up his time with the fellowship.
VACEP: What was the biggest takeaway you learned during the course of your Fellowship?
TJT: I thought advocacy at the state and national levels had prerequisites. I did not realize how much structure already exists to help physicians be better self advocates. If you want to be involved in a local or national issue, a support system exists to help you meet that goal.
Likely others are already on-board with you; you just haven't met them, yet. If you don't have a specific issue calling to you, but you have the sense that more voices are better than few, pre-built events exist that allow you to exercise your voice in a supported and comfortable environment. Lastly, politicians are receptive to our perspectives. A physician's voice on an issue carries weight.
What was the top challenge or obstacle in your Fellowship project or research area, and how did you overcome it?
My project has been the focus of several state and national advocacy groups. In conjunction with this, I have felt empowered to learn more about training requirements of all types of practitioners, and I felt comfortable reviewing the key issues with state legislators.
How will you incorporate what you learned into your own EM practice?
I'll continue to encourage my partners to participate and be engaged. The issues VACEP advocates for are not esoteric. They shape the patients we see, the resources they have, and the compensation we are afforded.
What would you say to a fellow emergency physician interested in applying for the Fellowship?
Join us! I was concerned I would be taking on too much. Having experienced the Fellowship, I can see I've been given a guided tour and a rolodex of helpful contacts. The Fellowship is here to help you grow, not make you work.